Thursday, January 23, 2020

[MW:30418] What is the Permissible deviation in pipe to pipe or pipe to elbow fit-up - welding completed joints ?

1 ) What is the Permissible deviation in pipe to pipe or pipe to elbow fit-up for welding?

2) Is there any ASME /ASTM standard which allows the Max. deviation in welding fit and criteria or Tolerance ? 

3) If Welding already done with deviation in set-up (Pipe and Elbow O.D Difference), what is the acceptance Criteria as standard or any specifically test need to perform for accepting that condition of welding joining of Pipe and Elbow or Pipe to Pipe of Same Size (deviation because of ovality in Diameter).

Acceptable criteria under standards and Test : Deviation found in welding and fit-up due to ovality in pipe and Elbow, Note : For Welding completed joints.

A Reference Photo is attached for weld Joint, there are many numbers of joint like this, need to convince customer for acceptance.

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