Thursday, December 26, 2013

Re: [MW:19724] PQR dia range not qualified and conducted WQT

As far as i know, the pipe diameter is nor essential neither supplementary essential for the PQR (ASME IX).
Accepted in accordance with ASME IX if:
-  the thickness to be welded is cover by QW-451 (PQR). 
-  the thickness to be welded is cover by QW-452.1(b) (WPQ).


Joseph Faustin Mbe
QA/QC Engineer
TEL CMR (00237) 33129846
TEL CG (00242) 057388009
BP 1155 Pointe Noire
Yesterday is the pass, tomorrow is the future; and today? Today is the present, the gift: Enjoy it!

Le Jeudi 26 décembre 2013 5h28, Dominic v.k.dominic <> a écrit :
Dear Experts,

We have qualified PQR test coupon dia 2.5". but WPS not mentioned diameter range qualified
Contractor qualified WQT 1/2" Piping weld,accordingly welding has been done for 3/4" size pipe.  
Please provide your valuable suggestion to these welding accept or reject as per section 1X.

Best Regards,
Dominic V.K.
Badra Base Camp, Badra, Wasit, IRAQ.
Mobile No +9647823006598.
Think Quality, Safety Tomorrow.

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