Thursday, May 1, 2008

[MW:759] Re: [MW:758]

Sub: Radiography chamber
One does not need to build a permanent  one for this. It can be very effective per the follwoing .
1)Have  1mter x 1 meter x 1 or 2 mtr height cement  blocks  with suiatble reinforcement. this block shall have one  recatgular channel structral member ( suiatble for  fitting on to heavy fork lift  forks) across the block of 1 meter  wifdth  or length or 2 members  in both directions, If 2 channels are taken in 2 directions( this would be benefecial for ease of  handling) they shall cross by an elevation difference of  minimum  8 inch.
2)The above blocks shall have 1/4 inch studs embedded  one  1 or 2 faces. The faces having these studs  shall be in height direction and  must be lateral to the handling channel  embedded in the block in case of 1 channel  case is used. If 2 lateral channels are embedded, the studs face  can be on any face in height direction . these studs are used to attach a  lead sheet  either inside  or outside  the chamber.
3)Once the blocks are available , place the blocks to form a  chamber of  the desired size  in length, width and  height. normally the height  will be limited to 12 meters since the  blocks ned to be placed using a crane.
4)The chamber 's entry needs to be worked out using a steel screens attached with Lead screens .
5)Once the blocks are placed one over the other , on side by side , place the lead sheets either on total face ( inside or outside ) or at least at the joints  in between the blocks so as to eliminate radiation leak through the gaps . Claddingt the entire face may not be required  since the 1 meter  concrete shall be adequate to minimise the radiation levels outside . The gaps need to be sealed  with lead screens. Some times lead screen s can be placed on both outside  and  inside  at the  joints based on the radiation intensity.
I hope that you could get  fair idea  now.
Best of luck

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 11:41 PM, Ramadas Gururaj <> wrote:
Dear Members
Can anyone post me the data as regards "construction of radiography chamber ' used  in the site for taking X ray of
welded pipes and tubes . The approximate dimension shall be 20 meter long with 12 meter width  brick and mortar
construction . Raidation level shall have to  be maintained within 50 curie

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