Tuesday, April 8, 2008

[MW:712] Re: Difference between DNV-OS-F101& B31.3

OS-F101 is an industry standard and B31.3 and others are international
used world wide, normally piglaunchers are desined either to B31.4 or
B31.8 for oil&gas/offshore applications.

even few uses SecVIII div1 as a design code for this
i have not gone thro OS-F-101, but complete std is available online
at http://exchange.dnv.com/OGPI/OffshorePubs/ViewArea/OS-F101.pdf

it is a matter between the pipeline owner and the regulatory authority
involved in that opeartional area of the pipeline, which standard to

On Apr 8, 8:58 pm, kcs <melvyn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What would be the difference between code DNV-OS-F101and B31.3 for
> launcher barrel design?
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