Tuesday, July 27, 2010

[MW:6148] RE: 6133] SAW Wire Test certificate review



The short answer is yes. 

See Sc II SFA-5.17 3.1 and 3.1 (C):

“The welding electrodes and fluxes covered by the specification A 5.17 specification . . . are classified according to the following . . . (c) The chemical composition of the electrode (for solid electrodes) as specified in Table 1, or the weld metal produced with a particular flux (for composite electrodes) as specified in Table 2.”

EM12K is a solid wire, so only the chemistry of the wire is required for classification.


The filler metal is specified only by the chemistry of the wire for solid wires.  Practically, since the flux plays such an important part in determining the chemistry and the mechanical properties of the weld , anything beyond the chemistry of the wire would have little meaning or importance.  Basically, the ASME classification system says if you start with a filler metal of X chemistry and weld it with Y flux under the conditions in SFA5.17 you will get a weld with the properties as classified:  example F7P4-EM12K – for any wire with an EM12 K composition with the classified flux, the deposit will have a minimum of 70,000psi tensile strength and impacts of 20ft-lb or more at -40F when welded and PWHT’ed per the requirements of SFA-5.17.


Note, this does not guarantee these properties under all welding conditions.  Consequently you have to perform a procedure qualification to verify that you will obtain properties you require for a given set of welding conditions.  Those properties you require may or may not  match the classification properties.



From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com [mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of krishna
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 1:07 PM
To: materials-welding@googlegroups.com
Subject: [MW:6133] SAW Wire Test certificate review


Here i received one SAW Wire test certificate for ESAB OK AUTOROD 12.22L ,as per ASME SEC II Part c SFA 5.17 EM12K.

In the Test certificate they gave only Chemical Analysis of the wire .

Shall I accept the Test certificate or I have to ask for Mechanical Properties also.

Is it acceptable the Test certficate as it is.

Kindly guide,


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