Thursday, March 13, 2025

Re: [MW:35479] Welding of CS+Alloy825 clad pipies

I use E309 or E310 for buttering layers. Is it correct ?
I use ernicrmo-3 for root, hot, f1, f2 
then i use E309 in 2 layers
Completely with k7018 to the end. 
It can or can not do it?
Thank you for answering me.
Hope u have a great day

Vào lúc 00:44:35 UTC+7 ngày Chủ Nhật, 11 tháng 7, 2010, pgoswami đã viết:
Hi Romiomdabre,
The default technique for such pipe spool (where welding from I/S is not possible) would be to use Inconel-625(E/ER-NiCrMo-3) fillers and electrodes all through. Yes this would make  cost of welding quite high. As you know these piping are exposed for extremely harsh service environments, proven welding consumables are required to meet the design and construction and service requirements. Typical offshore pipeline design specifications such as DNV-OS-F-101 indicates one "type" of welding consumable for single sides welding of clad pipes.
I would think there are  some alternatives practiced in the industry,  in the way of using Stainless/ Nickel Based alloys for clad welding + application a pure Iron barrier layer on the clad weld followed by welding with C.S electrodes on C.S base metal. The attached extract of 10064-Page2(15) Fig-26 shows the welding sequences. While this technique has been proven for welding of S.S clad C.S pipes, there had not been much information available on the same for welding of Inconel Clad pipes. The critical factors here is the availability of Pure Iron electrode and acceptance of the same by fabrication code. A sample from Lincoln Electric is attached for information.If any other forum members could shed some lights on this issue,it would be appreciated.
Incidentally similar query was raised in another forum,few years ago.I have attached the responses and discussions for
Pradip Goswami,P.Eng.
Welding & Metallurgical Engineer/Specialist
Ontario Power Generation Inc.,

From: [] On Behalf Of B.Vaithiyanathan
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:14 AM
To: materials-welding
Subject: Re: [MW:5904] Welding of CS+Alloy825 clad pipies

       The Consumable for your case is ER NiCrMo3/E NiCrMo3


On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 2:52 PM, romio dabre <> wrote:
Dear All
We have to weld 20" to 36" pipe spools with following details. Joints cannot be backwelded or cannot do clad restoration from inside.
Material CS+Alloy 825 clad
Thk between 20mm to 54mm
Complete weld with Alloy 625 will be very costly as the thk is high.
What will be the recommended welding consumable combination.

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