Saturday, March 8, 2025

Re: [MW:35459] QW 451.1

As per ASME Section IX, for test coupons greater than 10 mm (3/8 inch) in thickness, side bend tests are required. Since your test coupon is 38 mm thick, side bend tests should be conducted instead of root and face bend tests.

The reason for this requirement is that side bend tests effectively evaluate the entire thickness of the weld, ensuring that any discontinuities across the weld zone are detected.



On Wed, 26 Feb, 2025, 19:11 Rilley Chellah Mulenga, <> wrote:
Dear experts,

QW 451.1 takes about the qualification range limit and the tensile and bend tests requirement , working with a tests coupon of 38mm , is it okey to do root and face bend tests as opposed to side bend tests ?

Thanks & kind regards


     Rilley Chellah Mulenga

     T: +260 212 226431
     M:+26076123880/ 0964084833

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