Thursday, March 20, 2025

[MW:35485] Aluminium welding

Dear Sirs,

i need technical details on aluminium welding.

could anyone help me with aluminium welding.

kind regards,
K Vinodh kumar
Hosur, tamilnadu

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[MW:35485] Re: 2411] Re: FW: 2390] Aluminium welding Data

Dear Sir,

i have a job for aluminimum welding - 3mm sheet + 20 square tube welding.
this is my first time.

can u help me with this. - for aluminum welding.

how to do - how to prepare the surface - gas and welding parameters - pre requisities for aluminium welding.

kind regards,
k. vinodh kumar
hosur, tamil nadu, india

On Saturday, June 13, 2009 at 10:08:41 AM UTC+5:30 PB HEGDE wrote:

There is a vast difference in welding practices between Steel and aluminum welding.

i)Commonly Aluminum is welded by Tig and mig process

ii) For Tig process for more than 5mm thk AC tig is preffered with pure argon ,Pure tungsten is used. For AC tig DC suppressor is used for better performance, Preheating .is to be controlled properly. Weld pool is to be well protected from wind. Cleaning of filler metal before use is very essential. In case DC mode use electrode DC +ve to be used

iii)For mig Electrode  DC +ve to be used ,generally 1.2 dia wire on spool is used.


iv) For weld properties ,you will not be achieve the UTS as per base material. However 70% of base material strength is acceptable for weld and accordingly the base material thk is designed.

v)Some of the alloy require Aging or Heat treatment to improve the properties.


Aluminum welding is not that simple as steel welding as porosity is major problem you will face




Hegde P.B.




From: [] On Behalf Of NILESH VARMA
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 9:17 AM
Subject: [MW:2411] Re: FW: 2390] Aluminium welding Data


Dear Hegde,
 Firstly thank you for the data given by you. For one of our jobs the material we are using is 6061 T651 as per AMS.
 Actually we wanted to know what are the common differences between steel & aluminium welding & also which are the problems commonly encountered while welding. As our objective is to provide the best product to our customer at low cost we are looking at exploring different fabrication techniques. Also it would obviously we clear to you that since Al is low weight material, the application demands extremely low weight & high strength application.

Nilesh V.

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 10:26 AM, PB HEGDE <> wrote:

Dear Nilesh

Attaching the welding and fabrication of aluminum But is there any specific Al alloy in your mind to know




Hegde p.B.


Subject: FW: 2390] Aluminium welding Data




From: [] On Behalf Of NILESH VARMA
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 6:26 PM
Subject: [MW:2390] Aluminium welding Data


Dear friends,
 Can anybody help me out to find some really good aluminium welding technical data.

Nilesh V.



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Re: [MW:35487] Aluminium welding

Dear SIr,

Please refer to the following link hereafter:

Best regards,

Le mer. 19 mar. 2025 à 16:55, James Bond <> a écrit :
Dear Sirs,

i need technical details on aluminium welding.

could anyone help me with aluminium welding.

kind regards,
K Vinodh kumar
Hosur, tamilnadu

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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Re: [MW:35477] WPS for Furnace PWHT

The spools have 1" to 36" Piping joints.
The WPS with PWHT is available only for large diameter / high thickness.
can we do PWHT in the furnace if small size piping joints welded without PWHT WPS which is welding with higher size spools require PWHT?.

On Mon, 27 Jan 2025 at 11:50, Vishwas Keskar <> wrote:
Pl elaborate your query 
Query is not clear 
Sent from my iPhone

On 27 Jan 2025, at 11:57 AM, Prakash Kumar Bontra <> wrote:

For furnace PWHT as per ASME B 31.3 all the joints in the spool (1" to 36") need PWHT approved WPS and where to refer?

Prakash Bontra

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Re: [MW:35479] Welding of CS+Alloy825 clad pipies

I use E309 or E310 for buttering layers. Is it correct ?
I use ernicrmo-3 for root, hot, f1, f2 
then i use E309 in 2 layers
Completely with k7018 to the end. 
It can or can not do it?
Thank you for answering me.
Hope u have a great day

Vào lúc 00:44:35 UTC+7 ngày Chủ Nhật, 11 tháng 7, 2010, pgoswami đã viết:
Hi Romiomdabre,
The default technique for such pipe spool (where welding from I/S is not possible) would be to use Inconel-625(E/ER-NiCrMo-3) fillers and electrodes all through. Yes this would make  cost of welding quite high. As you know these piping are exposed for extremely harsh service environments, proven welding consumables are required to meet the design and construction and service requirements. Typical offshore pipeline design specifications such as DNV-OS-F-101 indicates one "type" of welding consumable for single sides welding of clad pipes.
I would think there are  some alternatives practiced in the industry,  in the way of using Stainless/ Nickel Based alloys for clad welding + application a pure Iron barrier layer on the clad weld followed by welding with C.S electrodes on C.S base metal. The attached extract of 10064-Page2(15) Fig-26 shows the welding sequences. While this technique has been proven for welding of S.S clad C.S pipes, there had not been much information available on the same for welding of Inconel Clad pipes. The critical factors here is the availability of Pure Iron electrode and acceptance of the same by fabrication code. A sample from Lincoln Electric is attached for information.If any other forum members could shed some lights on this issue,it would be appreciated.
Incidentally similar query was raised in another forum,few years ago.I have attached the responses and discussions for
Pradip Goswami,P.Eng.
Welding & Metallurgical Engineer/Specialist
Ontario Power Generation Inc.,

From: [] On Behalf Of B.Vaithiyanathan
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:14 AM
To: materials-welding
Subject: Re: [MW:5904] Welding of CS+Alloy825 clad pipies

       The Consumable for your case is ER NiCrMo3/E NiCrMo3


On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 2:52 PM, romio dabre <> wrote:
Dear All
We have to weld 20" to 36" pipe spools with following details. Joints cannot be backwelded or cannot do clad restoration from inside.
Material CS+Alloy 825 clad
Thk between 20mm to 54mm
Complete weld with Alloy 625 will be very costly as the thk is high.
What will be the recommended welding consumable combination.

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[MW:35481] Re: welding of cladded (alloy 625) pipes with single side access

dear sirs,
Cant use 7018 right after ernicrmo-3 finish. You must have butter in between, otherwise it will cause cracking. Thats for sure. We havent even mentioned the heating issue yet.

Vào lúc 13:18:21 UTC+7 ngày Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 6, 2016, Jithesh Premachandran đã viết:
Hi Nikdin,

After buttering (around 1.5mm thick alloy 625 overlay), machine it and match both ID. Then weld the root and hot pass with GTAW (ERNiCrMo-3) then fill up passes with SMAW process. 
Dont deposit any carbon steel deposits on the groove. Even you use Carbon steel bullets for fit up will leads to crack of groove weld deposits.

On Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at 1:40:39 PM UTC+4, Himan Nikdin wrote:
Dear Experts

I need a practical guide or sample WPS for welding of cladded (alloy 625) carbon steel pipes with one side access. the size of pipes are minimum  4".


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[MW:35482] Buttering and overlay

Hello All,
Hope all are doing well,

Can anyone please explain the major difference between weld with buttering and weld overlay?

Regards & Thanks,
Shahilkumar Saini

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Re: [MW:35483] Pipe Insert Sleeve - How to ensure after hydrotest No Water


The black 'O' Ring seals the gap between pipe and sleeve, 

Also a TK epoxy system "blue mastic" is applied all over the sleeve except weld area,

 After all this there will be no water entry during hydro test in the weld joint area, 


On Tue, Nov 12, 2024 at 2:09 PM 'SENTHILKUMAR SWAMINATHAN' via Materials & Welding <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Aravindh,

Thank you for your reply.
How did you have ensured there is no water between sleeve insert and pipe?
This insert used not to get corrosion inside weld joint area. While performing trail we have prove that no hydrotested water entered in very tiny gap. 

Thank you, 

On Tuesday 12 November, 2024 at 05:47:07 am GMT+3, s.aravindh ram <> wrote:

Dear sir,
I have worked in oman,  used this  high pressure line we will apply gloves insert this bevel joint after welding welding complete hydrotest will be conducted as per designed pressure,
After that testing we will the spool for erection.

On Fri, 8 Nov 2024, 7:09 pm 'SENTHILKUMAR SWAMINATHAN' via Materials & Welding, <> wrote:
Dear All,

Please see below picture Pipe Insert Sleeve in my site taking trial and completed hydrotest as proto type. Now how to ensure there is no water between Pipeline and insert sleeve. 
Any body have experienced in this please give feedback. 
Inline image

Thank you, 

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Thanks & Regards,

Sreeraj. V
+968 97807131
+91 9895752398

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Saturday, March 8, 2025

[MW:35448] Hot tapping between piping and pipeline

Dear Expert
we have hot tapping 
from process piping b31.3 design 
to cross country pipeline old pipe i think api 1104 design
WPS that need to folow  api 1104 or asme b31.3.
best regard.

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Re: [MW:35449] Hot tapping between piping and pipeline


You have to follow API 1104 Annex B for qualifying the procedure


On Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 8:24 AM ali owead <> wrote:
Dear Expert
we have hot tapping 
from process piping b31.3 design 
to cross country pipeline old pipe i think api 1104 design
WPS that need to folow  api 1104 or asme b31.3.
best regard.

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[MW:35485] Aluminium welding

Dear Sirs, i need technical details on aluminium welding. could anyone help me with aluminium welding. kind regards, K Vinodh kumar Hosur, t...