Monday, April 24, 2023

Re: [MW:34143] USE of PQR of GTAW+SMAW for new WPS GTAW process only.

Dear Ajay

Yes, you can use the GTAW Process from PQR GTAW+SMAW as long as the essential variable PQR will cover into new WPS.
for thickness range for GTAW Process, refer to Table QW-451.1 of ASME Sect IX, it should be 5mm ~ 14mm

Hopely the above can answer your question

Best regards
Kurniatullah, IWE

On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 10:02 AM Ajay Kaipuram <> wrote:

I have a PQR with a thickness range of 7mm (GTAW)+ 14.94mm (SMAW) for the groove joint. Can I prepare a new WPS for the job with a 5.08 mm thick groove joint for the GTAW process only? If yes, what thickness range can I mention in the WPS?


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