Monday, April 3, 2023

Re: [MW:34118] Re: PQR Qualification _welding electrode

Hi Sandeep Ji,

I expect some clarification from you related to AWS.
1. AWS D1.1- definition of Pre-qualification WPS.- It means we can write WPS without any PQR,  If we are in limit of para-3. Prequalification of WPSs
2. AWS D1.1 - base metal group is categories in 4, group steel-i,ii,iii, and iv.- If any material which is not match perfectly with given designation, is in that case it will be named as un-assigned material ? What is the purpose of giving Yield and UTS in table.  
3. Is there any relation between AWS D1.1 and AWS B2.1 to select group no, also the group no. given in AWS B2.1 is same as steel group given in AWS D1.1.
4.AWS D1.6- reference for stainless steel base metal grouping .

Thanks a lot!

On Monday, October 8, 2018 at 11:34:55 AM UTC+5:30 sandeep kumar wrote:
off course.

On Sunday, October 7, 2018 at 1:04:39 PM UTC+3, Rajnish Dixit wrote:
Sandip Ji,
Agreed with you. Please not that even CVN requirements are also not to be checked/verified if these are not the requirement of job/service condition.

Warm Regards,

Rajnish Dixit

On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 10:16, sandeep kumar
Thanks for sharing this interesting issue.

as per my understanding you dont need to qualify new PQR if both meet the CVN requirements. As we see we are inline with same F no, same A no. although different filler wire specification with change is supplementary designation.

As per QW 404.12 and 404.33, you can just issue a new WPS based on the PQR with new designation.

Hope it will help.

Thanks & regards
Sandeep Kumar

On Thursday, October 4, 2018 at 5:14:43 AM UTC+3, RAJESH KUMAR wrote:
Dear Team,

For our PQR qualification ( Done in 2018) to flux coared wire for carbon steel,we use the wire clasified SFA/AWS A5.20  E71T-1C/1M/9C9M.

Today we received from our supplier wire classified SFA A5.36 E 71 T-1C 1A2-CS1.

The classification is different,so we have to issue new PQR qualification required?

Thanks & Regards

Rajesh kumar

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