Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Re: [MW:32129] RWC (Responsible Welding Coordinator)

Where do you want to sign on WPS/PQR ? as a preparer or checker or approver ? 
You may not sign in any of these areas,  The role  is to perform quality checks during manufacturing  and it shall be defined by your QA/QC manager / Document systems. 
You can assist IWE/IWT for preparing WPS/PQR , but the final responsibilities lie with the IWE/IWT holder only. 
Even some case, IWT holders sign itself not accepted by some clients

Refer ISO 3834-2 , Clause 7.3

Also, as per above link, 

It's clear that RWC is not a portable title since There is no actual qualification for personnel responsible for welding coordination. 
only IWE, IWT , IWS  have been accepted as satisfying the specific knowledge requirements for Responsible Welding Coordinators.

Thanks and Regards

Rameshkannan D

"What you have learned is a mere handful; What you haven't learned is the size of the world – Avvaiyar"

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 5:00 PM ilkinhasanov <> wrote:
Hi Gents,

Could you please advise ; does RWC (ISO 3834-2) can issue/sign WPS & WPQR and is it requirement of Standard/Codes that  RWC should has a IWE Diploma for this?.


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