Sunday, March 7, 2021

Re: [MW:32032] Welder qualification

  Refer ASME SEC IX Table  QW-452.3  
1. Welder can weld max 11.08 thickness as per your JCC. So cant able to weld 12.7 mm thick job
2  The welder can weld minimum dia 2 7/8 inch (73mm) OD  to unlimited as per your JCC,So cant able to weld 1 inch OD.

On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 11:26 AM Ganesh Muthurajan <> wrote:
Hi gentlemen 

I have doughty in welder qualification. 

The welder having two jcc.

1. GTAW - OD - 1inch, Thickness- 11.08mm, P no. 34, F no 34

2. GTAW+SMAW - OD - 2 7/8 Inch, Thickness - unmimited, P No. 1, F no. 6.

Now my doubt is 

The welder can weld ?

1. CuNi - 12.7 mm thickness 

2. CS - 1" OD

How? If not why?

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