Monday, January 22, 2018

Re: [MW:27277] PQR PMI - Fe value

I understand that you are using the ASME Code to develop your procedure, since you mention part C as filler material, I am understanding well ?, the problem here is not the inspection with the PMI, look at the following, the input material is not what same before welding that after applying the solder:
Check this data: Number P (Base Metal) + Number F (Filler Metal) = Number A (Material of the Joint).

Entiendo que estas utilizando el Código ASME para desarrollar tu procedimiento, ya que mencionas la parte C como filler material, estoy entendiendo bien?, el problema aqui no es la inspeccion con el PMI, fijate en lo siguiente, el material de aporte no es lo mismo antes de soldar que después de aplicar la soldadura:
Checa este dato: Número P (Metal Base) + Número F (Filler Metal) = Número A (Material de la Joint).

2018-01-21 23:00 GMT-06:00 Harish Kannepalli <>:
   Please consider testing Fe using OES, as PMI values are not reliable for pass/fail criteria.

Thanks & Regards,

On Jan 22, 2018 08:57, "Mohamed Ali" <> wrote:
Dear Experts 

can you advise me for the below clarifications,

We have Done the PQR as mentioned below material and after PQR the test piece measured the PMI value and all chemical composition are meet the Sec-2 C requirement except Fe value, please explain why it is happen and provide some technical data.

Base metal  - ASTM A312 TP 304L to ASTM A312 TP 304L

Electrode :  - ER NiCr-3

SFA 5.14 - Actual Fe - 3% Max  & measured value - 8.83%

Best Regards,

Mohamed Ali.

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Ing. José Juan Jiménez Alejandro

Soluciones en Soldadura e Inspección

Cel. 812 352 4606

Skype: jjjimeneza

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