Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Re: [MW:27251] Welding GS-45 cast steel (modern equivalent GE240 / 1.0446)

If you are confident, yes, you can do the repair work. For machinable
weld, you can use:

1.    98 Ni (+)2 fe - (AWS/SFA  E Ni-CI)
2.    55 Ni (+) 45 Fe - (AWS/SFA  ENi-Fe-CI)
3.    65Ni (+)4Fe (+) 30Cu - (AWS/SFA- Ni-Cu B)

Pre-heat to 75- 100 deg. C to remove oil, grease, rust, paint strains and
use above electrodes. If you use any other LH electrode like E 7016,
preheat  should be on higher side (say 350deg. C) and have to maintain
inter pass temperature and slow cooling rate.

Not worried about colour matching  and chemistry try with E 308
(or) E 309. With its high ductility, these electrodes may help you at times. 


On Saturday 6 January 2018, 10:28:06 AM IST, Mikko Laine <> wrote:

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we have an old machine part with two 28 mm keyway slots ground out due wear. We need to fill up those key ways and machine new slots but due to construction limitations any other methods such as machining a replacement bore insert are not suitable.

Slots are approximately 36mm wide, 7mm deep and 140 mm long. The bore diameter where they are located is around 140mm. So far we have received mixed opinions on weldability of this material: one slight "yes might be doable with correct procedure" and two "DO NOT WELD IN ANY CASE!!!"...

So do any of you have good guidance on suitable welding procedure for cast steel GS-45?
Best regards,
Mikko Laine

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Re: [MW:35354] Cast-iron welding

1. Preheat joint area(other area, cover with mineral wool). 2. ENiCi or ENiFe-CI. 3. stringer bead. 4. peening is to be done on weldmetal im...