Friday, May 31, 2024

Re: [MW:35042] Welder qualification

Dear Saleem,

To determine whether you can use carbon steel (CS) material for welder qualification when you have a stainless steel (SS) Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) that is for P-8 to P-8 materials, we need to consider the relevant codes and standards governing welder qualification.

  1. WPS and P-Number Groups: The Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) you have is for welding P-8 to P-8 materials. In the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section IX, P-Numbers are used to group materials for welding qualification. P-8 refers to a group of austenitic stainless steels.

  2. Welder Performance Qualification: According to ASME Section IX, a welder's qualification is typically done to demonstrate their ability to produce sound welds. The welder qualification test should be performed using the same material group (P-Number) as the WPS. This ensures that the welder is proficient in welding the specific materials and processes described in the WPS.

  3. Using Different Materials for Qualification: ASME Section IX states that a welder qualified on a specific P-Number material is not automatically qualified to weld materials of a different P-Number. Therefore, if you use carbon steel (which is typically a P-1 material) for the welder qualification, this would not qualify the welder for welding P-8 materials (stainless steel) according to the WPS you have.


No, you cannot use carbon steel (P-1 material) for welder qualification if your WPS is for stainless steel (P-8 to P-8). The welder must be qualified using materials that fall within the same P-Number grouping as specified in the WPS, which in this case is P-8 (austenitic stainless steel).


To qualify a welder for the SS WPS (P-8 to P-8), you should use austenitic stainless steel materials for the qualification test to ensure compliance with ASME Section IX requirements.

On Tue, 7 May 2024 at 22:06, saleem manhappulath <> wrote:
Dear All

    I have a ss wps P-8 to P8, i have plan to qualify welder. Can I use cs material for welder qualification with ss wps

Thanks & Best Regards
Saleem manhappulath


From iPhone xs

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Best regards,

Amol K.B
B.E(Mech), CSWIP 3.2.2, NACE CIP 1 & ASNT LII(4M)

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