Sunday, May 12, 2024

[MW:34965] Urgent request - High Manganese Austenitic Steel ( HMAS )- GTAW , SMAW datas -

Dear Sirs,

We are in the bidding stage for a project in Korea and I heard that the material will be High Manganese Austenitic Steel ( HMAS ) and copied the main properties for your review.

I have tried the welding datas for GTAW, SMAW, FCAW, SAW , the SFA No. and the AWS Class as per ASME Sec II C, brand names etc in the google search.  But I was not able to find it.

Is HADFIELD Manganese Austenitic Steel , the other name of HMAS ?

Please advise and share welding related info. for this material.

I need to select welding consumables and will do PQR in the near future.

Thanks and Regards,
Saravanan Sornam,

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