Friday, October 27, 2023


Normally Welder Qualification continuity will be performed in the Sixth month with a document such as a production Report signed by a Supervisor. Responsible person and his Qualifications for that welding process are extended by Six months.

If the welder continuity is not maintained within six months of the welding process, then the welder's Qualification is considered Expired. For renewal weld a single coupon plate/pipe and perform VT & RT so that all their Qualifications for the welding process is renewed.

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Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar

On Thursday, 26 October, 2023 at 12:02:08 pm IST, Sujith M S <> wrote:

Any body please help me to find out solution on below matter,

One welder's wpq has not been renewed in the last six months, now how to renew the certificate? Which NDE report is required?

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