Thursday, October 5, 2023

Re: [MW:34562] Excess weaving in FCAW welding process

welder became in fatigue stress in handling the torch. 18mm is the dia of nozzle approximately 

On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 6:29 PM RAJESH KUMAR <> wrote:
Dear Experts,

Code:BSEN 15614-1:2017 ,BSEN 15609:2019 and DNV-OS-C401

I have noticed that WPS says the weaving is allowed/permitted 18 mm maximum for FCAW welding process.Please tell me whether we can allow if the weaving is more than the allowable limit.If it can be allowed.What is the reasons and on what basis it is allowed?If it can not/should not be allowed.Why and what is the reasons?

Thanks & Regards

Rajesh kumar

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