Thursday, February 2, 2023

[MW:33983] Re: Welder Performence Qualification - F-numbers and P-numbers

That's correct since the welding technique to weld Inconel is entirely different than normal steel/CS.

On Monday, January 30, 2023 at 11:31:38 AM UTC+3 Szymon Ossowski wrote:

I have made Welder Performance qualification with using P-no. 8 and F-no. 6.

Asme IX gives for welder qualification for: P-no. 1-15F; P-no. 34, and P-no. 41-49
Than he can weld Inconel Base metals

But F-no 6 gives for welder qualification for use only all F-no. 6. 
F-no. 6 don't give for him permission for welding inconel filler materials 

Am I correct?

What for the welder is given permission in welding Inconel materials but not with F-no 41-46???

Do someone can help with this misunderstanding?

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