Friday, October 29, 2021

Re: [MW:32580] SA 516 GR 70- AVOIDANCE OF PWHT - 40 mm thickness

Since your furnace length is 24meters, you have the option to pWHT the entire vessel as provided in the code below with minimum overlap. First PWHT one end for 24meters and then PWHT the another end by reversing with required overlap

Inline image

Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar

On Friday, 29 October, 2021, 02:46:22 pm GMT+4, james gerald <> wrote:

Please experts to share on Designer's view with respect to different lateral expansion though Design temperature is +250degC

Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar

On Friday, 29 October, 2021, 11:53:02 am GMT+4, Vishwas Keskar Welding Manager WELDING <> wrote:

The vessel details are 
MOC - SA 516 GR 70 
DIAMETER- 4020mm
MDMT = - 50 Deg C to  + 250 Deg C 
SERVICE - Non lethal /No Hydrogen Service 

We are proposing Vessel length build up as per FURNACE LENGTH CAPACITY(24 m maximum) and one joint WITHOUT PWHT  ( JOINING PWHTed sections earlier at site )
Proposal - 
1.MOC - SA 516 GR 70 
2.BUTTERING - ENiCrFe2 on 24 m section end and other at 13 m section end)
3,PWHT (section PWHT - One of 24  length and other 13 m)
 of  - 620 Deg C - 125 MINUTES 
4.Bevel preparation 
5.NDT - DPT 
Welding at site ( 24 m section with 13 m section) - ENiCrFe2 OR E309 

Expert opinion please  and share experience if any 


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