Wednesday, February 3, 2021

[MW:31980] FW: Accuracy of PMI

Hi Pravin,

What method was used, XRF or OES?  XRF will not reveal "C" and other lighter elements, "S", "P"…

If you have doubtful results with one method , try other.

Often the accuracy will depend on the equipment calibration, cleanliness , number of shots/reading taken and more..





Pradip Goswami.P.Eng, IWE.

Independent  & Consulting Welding & Metallurgical Specialist




From: Pravin Poornachandran <>
Sent: February 2, 2021 10:44 PM
To: 'Bijay' via Materials & Welding <>
Subject: Accuracy of PMI


Dear expert, 


Good day. 


Recently I performed WPS for ER70S-G for nace requirement project. 

Based on welding consumable mill certificate as per EN10204 3.1, Ni <1% and these chemical analysis is conducted in authorized laboratory following the method specified in industrial code. It is laborious procedure and accurate. 


But when we perform PMI, Ni values shows 1.2-1.5, which client is questioning now. 

I did contact consumable supplies and they are very certain Ni is less than 1%. 


Can anyone advice how should I handle this situation. 


Best regards,

Pravin Poornachandran 



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