Sunday, November 7, 2021

RE: [MW:32596] Alternative MOC - SA387 + SS.304 cladding to complete SS.304

Dear Uday, 

Look at this recommendation, for the replacement you are looking for: 

1. Set the corrosive environment to 425°C of SA-382 F11 Cl2 steel with cladding SS304. 

2. Depending on whether the environment is oxidizing or reducing, 300 series stainless steel works well at higher temperatures.  

3. To do this, select stainless steel type SS304L. Easier to weld, and less risk of IGC (intergranular corrosion) due to precipitation of chromium carbides, type M23C6. 

4. Use SS 304L base material in solution annealing condition before welding. 

5. Use filler material type E-308L for welding. 

6. Depending on the thickness of the piece> 1", carry out PWHT of dissolving chromium carbides. Although for smaller thicknesses, the welding of the SS304L does not need PWHT. Check. 

Ramon Briceno

De: <> en nombre de uday prabhu <>
Enviado: sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2021 8:46 a. m.
Para: Materials & Welding <>
Asunto: [MW:32591] Alternative MOC - SA387 + SS.304 cladding to complete SS.304
Dear Experts,

Vessel MOC = SA387 GR F11 CL2 + 3mm SS.304 clading
Max operating Temp = 425 C
Max Pr = 20 bar (g)

Can we replace above moc with SS.304.
Will there be Sensitization issues a this temp ??


Uday Prabhu

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