Saturday, November 6, 2021

[MW:32594] RE: Alternative MOC - SA387 + SS.304 cladding to complete SS.304

Hi Uday,


Choice of S.S 304 may be correct for the said design temperature(425 Deg C). In order to keep the IGC/ sensitization factor under control use 308L welding consumables/fillers would be advisable.


It would be good to know what's the process fluid involved? If the process fluid is aggressive, then a switch to SS 316/316L would be a better choice. This would be a process engineer/metallurgical engineers' call to select 304 or other alternatives (316/316L) as needed.




Pradip Goswami.P.Eng, IWE.

Independent Welding & Metallurgical Engineering Specialist

Saudi Aramco Approved Designated Project Welding Engineer (DPWR)

Qatar Petroleum Approved, SME-Materials & Corrosion Engineering.




Austenitic Stainless Steel Sensitization | Austral Wright Metals

From: uday prabhu <>
Sent: November 6, 2021 8:46 AM
To: Materials & Welding <>
Subject: Alternative MOC - SA387 + SS.304 cladding to complete SS.304


Dear Experts,


Vessel MOC = SA387 GR F11 CL2 + 3mm SS.304 cladding

Max operating Temp = 425 C

Max Pr = 20 bar (g)


Can we replace above moc with SS.304.

Will there be Sensitization issues a this temp ??




Uday Prabhu


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