Tuesday, November 5, 2019

[MW:30209] Welding Procedure Qualification

Dear Experts,


Please  one of our Customers want to weld Pad Eyes to a Casing and also weld a Stop Ring and a Hammer Union to the Casing. The following are the materials:

  1. Casing Material: N80 and it is 0.4” Thick and 9-5/8” OD;
  2. Stop Ring: AISI 4140
  3. Pad Eye Material: ASTM A 36 and 5/8” Thick
  4. Hammer Union: WECO 2” 1502

The specification for the job is API 5CT. We do not have a qualified WPS to do this job. Please advise what materials we can use to qualify the WPS for this job. Any that has a qualified WPS for this kind of job can please send it so that we can use it as a go-by to qualify the WPS for my company.


Thank you for your support.




Michael Ofejiro

AWS CWI, API 510, NACE CIP Level 2


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Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone