Thursday, August 15, 2024

Re: [MW:35161] Reg: Mechanical Testing Failure Analysis

Dear ,
- P22 is used for creep resistance ... why go for -29C temp. ... u can check with engineering department .
- for your case try to modify joint design for minimizing the weld cross section as much as you could ... go for the lowest available SMAW electrode diameter , GTAW wire diameter .. try to use string passes and avoid waving technique .. temp. after PWHT to be controlled during cooling process
- for hardness i see it is OK .. just Charpy is the point to concentrate
- if results still not OK .. check with engineering to go fo 1% Ni electrode but it will be differ than base metal chem. composition Cr% 

Best Regards ,
ENG. Ahmed Osman

On Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 07:25:38 p.m. GMT+3, Prathab P <> wrote:


690°C for 96mins

On Fri, 9 Aug 2024, 13:01 Vishwas Keskar, <> wrote:
What are PWHT parameters ?
What is Impact temperature?
Sent from my iPhone

On 9 Aug 2024, at 11:42 AM, Prathab P <> wrote:

Dear Experts,

PQR Test Coupon
Base Plate: A387 Gr22 CL2 (P. No. 5A, Gr.1)
Dimension: 500x350x40mm
Application: Heat Exchanger
Joint Design: Double Bevel

Size: 2.4mm

SMAW: E9018-B3
Size: 3.15 & 4.00mm

Preheating: 160֯C min
Interpass Temp: 200֯C max
DHT: 300֯C for 2hrs

The above mentioned test coupon impact and hardness testing failure. Impact value is getting lower and hardness value getting higher. 

The impact required average value is 55J and hardness max value is 225BHN but the impact actual value getting 22J and the hardness min actual value getting 208BHN.

What is the exert problem for this failure?

Please give us a deeper explanation for this failure. What is the solution?

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