Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Re: [MW:33025] Qualification of Different group Nos for P1 material having Impact & PWHT

In your case YES. Group number is supplementary essential variable

QW-403.5 Welding procedure specifications shall be
qualified using one of the following:
(a) the same base metal (including type or grade) to be
used in production welding
(b) for ferrous materials, a base metal listed in the
same P‐Number Group Number in Table QW/QB-422 as
the base metal to be used in production welding
(c) for nonferrous materials, a base metal listed with
the same P‐Number UNS Number in Table QW/QB-422
as the base metal to be used in production welding
For ferrous materials in Table QW/QB-422, a procedure
qualification shall be made for each P‐Number
Group Number combination of base metals, even though
procedure qualification tests have been made for each
of the two base metals welded to itself. If, however, two
or more qualification records have the same essential
and supplementary essential variables, except that the
base metals are assigned to different Group Numbers
within the same P‐Number, then the combination of base
metals is also qualified. In addition, when base metals of
two different Group Numbers within the same P-Number
are qualified using a single test coupon, that coupon qualifies
the welding of those two Group Numbers within the
same P-Number to themselves as well as to each other
using the variables qualified.
This variable does not apply when toughness testing of
the heat‐affected zone is not required by other Sections.

Thanks& Regards,

M: +66-892512282

On Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 02:18:18 PM GMT+7, Karthik <karthik6684@yahoo.com> wrote:

No. Group Number is a Supplementary essential variable.

Thanks& Regards,

M: +66-892512282

On Monday, April 4, 2022, 04:25:20 PM GMT+7, Brijesh Maurya <brijeshmaurya492@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear experts,
I have query regarding QW-403.5
In my job, both impact & Pwht applicable.

My query is, If I qualify PQR with P1G1 with P1G2, then will my WPS be qualified for P1G1 TO P1G2, P1G1 WITH P1G1 & P1G2 TO P1G2?
Welding process: GTAW+SMAW & GTAW ( 2 PQR)

Brijesh Maurya

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