Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Re: [MW:35068] Selection of Welding Electrodes


On Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 5:04:52 AM UTC+3 Amol Betkar wrote:


As a Welding Engineer, selecting the appropriate electrode or filler material for a job involves several considerations. Both the ASME and EN standards provide guidelines to assist in making these choices.

For instance, in the case of welding S355J2 to S355J2, you would consider the following:

  1. Material Compatibility: Ensure the electrode or filler material is compatible with the base metal. For S355J2, a common filler material would be one that matches or exceeds the mechanical properties of the base metal.

  2. Mechanical Properties: The chosen filler material should meet or exceed the tensile strength, toughness, and other mechanical properties required for the joint.

  3. Welding Process: The welding process being used (e.g., SMAW, GTAW, GMAW) will also influence the choice of electrode or filler material.

  4. Standards and Specifications:

    • ASME Section II Part C provides specifications for welding rods, electrodes, and filler metals.
    • EN ISO 14341 for welding consumables, wire electrodes, and filler materials for gas shielded metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels.

For welding S355J2 to S355J2, a commonly used electrode is E7018 (according to AWS) or an equivalent from EN, such as E 42 4 B 42 H5 (according to EN ISO 2560). This electrode is chosen because it provides good toughness and meets the mechanical property requirements of S355J2.


  1. Identify the base material properties: S355J2 is a structural steel with good weldability and impact resistance.
  2. Match the filler material: Choose an electrode like E7018 that has matching mechanical properties and meets the required standards.
  3. Verify standards: Ensure the selected filler material complies with ASME Section II Part C or the relevant EN standards.
  4. Weld Procedure Specification (WPS): Develop a WPS that includes the selected electrode, welding parameters, preheat and post-weld heat treatment (if necessary), and other relevant details.

I hope this provides a clear approach to selecting the appropriate electrode or filler material for welding S355J2 to S355J2.


On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 at 12:29, Shivasankar A <> wrote:
Dear Team,

As a Welding Engineer, How can i Choose the Electrode/Filler material for a Job.

Is there any Guidelines in ASME / EN.

For Example: S355J2 to S355J2 which electrode i will use and how?

If any guideline from ASME / EN means Better.


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Best regards,

Amol K.B
B.E(Mech), CSWIP 3.2.2, NACE CIP 1 & ASNT LII(4M)

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